Thursday, June 21, 2012

Updates: Rings + Solemnizer

Grateful that JP's short stay was fruitful. We were able to accomplish everything on our list and more except the visit to our OB-GYN and dentist, which I think we can squeeze in on July or on our own separate spare time. Last weekend's highlight are as follows:

  1. We were able to finalize the design for our rings. JP chose a wedding band that had stones on them and he chose a simple white gold band for himself. The rings are both 14K only, but we are happy. I am excited to see them once again, with engravings and free diamond inside. Here is a photo of the rings:
  2. We were able to meet Pastor Manric and had a very insightful counselling session. We are very blessed to have him as our solemnizer at our wedding. 
  3. We were able to find a handsome tuxedo for JP at a discounted price
  4. We were able to meet with our caterer Ryan and finalize some details for the reception
  5. We decided to book the chateau at The Blue Gardens for the reception. We were compelled and guided to change the reception venue, by God's leading
  6. We were able to visit Janet Castro for my first fitting... we determined that there are some design and measurement changes that need to be done. I am praying for God to allow me to wear not only a beautiful dress but also a comfortable gown on my wedding day.

But we still have so much more to do so I am praying for more of God's strength and provisions:

  1. Finalize guest list and table assignments 
  2. Final food tasting on Monday at Lina Vitan (Mon 6/25)
  3. Outline Program for Garden Ceremony for Pastor Manric (Sun 6/24)
  4. Hand-over Pastor Manric our Marriage License (Sun 6/24)
  5. Print-out of bridal bouquet inspirations & final instructions for the florist
  6. Cancel our original contract with Eros Salon
  7. Cancel our original contract with Julius and Carol Flower Shop
  8. Book the preparation room for the groom
  9. Buy SHOES before my second fitting with Janet Castro over the weekend
  10. Buy pants and white long sleeves for our ring bearers

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